Discover the Science Behind Carnivora
Carnivora™ is the 100% absolutely PURE PHYTONUTRIENT EXTRACT and CAPSULE of Dionaea Muscipula, the particular species of the venus flytrap plant. Development of this extract began in Europe in the late 1970’s by late physician Dr. Helmut Keller.
This specific European technology employs a method of manufacturing that yields the 100 percent pure capsule product and pure liquid extract. Our 100% PURE Liquid Extract product is not even diluted with water. It is entirely free of alcohol, glycerin, propylene glycol and all other toxic excipients and fillers.
- Nothing is added. Nothing is deleted.
- Our Capsule product is also 100% PURE – not even diluted with water. It contains silica and cellulose powder – non-toxic to humans and animals.
- There is NO other.
- We are the SOLE manufacturer of Carnivora around the world.
A Clinical Study
We are proud to announce our brand new preliminary clinical study results for cats, performed in the US.
75% of the Cats that were part of this study had no longer shown the presence of the Feline Herpes Virus at the end of 84 days with the Use of CARNIVORA in this DOUBLE BLIND study.
This Clinical Study Appears In:
“The International Journal Of Applied Research In Veterinary Medicine”
Material Safety Data Sheet — Carnivora™
1. Phytochemical Product
Specific Product Name: Carnivora
Product Description: Pure extract of Dionaea Muscipula
2. Composition / Information on Ingredients
All 17 ingredients are inherent to the plant. There are no deletions or additions. There is no molecular alteration;
The following compounds are described in the international medical literature appear naturally in the plant;
- Droserone – Natural antibiotic / cough suppressant
- Hydroplumbagin – Immune Modulation / Stimulation / Anti-pathogenic Action
- Formic Acid – Natural Antiseptic
- Quercetin – Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergenic, supports healthy liver, chelating ability, natural diuretic
- Myricetin – Bioflavonoid. Identical properties as Quercetin
- Gallic Acid – Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Immune stimulative / Induction of apoptosis.
- Arginine – Supports NK function. Improves immune responses to bacteria & viruses, regeneration of liver, wound healing, crucial for tissue repair.
- Asparagine – expulsion of harmful ammonia, increased resistance to fatigue and increase of endurance.
- Threonine – Aids in function of intestinal / digestive tracts. Assists in metabolism and assimilation of nutrients; decreases cholesterol. Prevention of fat build-up in the liver.
- Glutamine – Helps maintain white blood cell population and T-cell productions, supports intestinal health. Nature’s brain food to improve mental capacities, decreases fatigue, assists in healing of ulcers, controls craving for sugar.
- Alanine – Strengthens immune system by producing antibodies, important source of energy for muscle tissue, brain and central nervous system.
- Cysteine – Facilitates the production of glutathione which enable white blood cells (lymphocytes such as T cells, B cells and NK cells) to reproduce to make antibodies to destroy foreign substances in the body.
- Serine – Component of production of immune antibodies. Antibodies bind with antigens which are toxins, viruses, fungi, bacterium, etc. destroying them and removing them from the body.
- Histidine – Found abundantly in hemoglobin. This amino acid has been used in the treatment of various immune conditions Note: We are prohibited from mentioning names of diseases in the United States.
- Proteases – Known for their ability to enhance immunity, proteases are considered an important line of defense for the immune system. Immune system disorders and intestinal toxicity are among the most common systems of protease deficiency.
- Lipopolysaccharides – Contribute to stimulation of the immune system. Contains properties that are highly potent against bacteria.
- Phytohormones – Phytohormones are as the name implies plant derived building blocks that your body can use to rapidly create any hormone that your body needs. These substances also called phytosterols are vital to a healthy balances endocrine or hormonal system. These are not hormones; instead phytosterols are nutrients your body must have so it can support a biological function that occurs naturally in every person in this world called hormonal system modulation.
Hormones are chemical substances produced by an organ or cells of an organ in one part of your body, when you eat foods or supplements that contain these essential nutrients called phytosterols your body uses these nutrients to produce the hormones it requires. This is a natural process and there is no synthetic drug or supplement that can mimic this process.
3. Toxicity / Mutagenicity / “Side” Effects / Hazards Identification
This product contains no hazardous ingredients. It is compatible with human and animal blood and will not harm a single normal cell.
There are no “side effects” associated with the use of this product, however gradual dose increases are recommended to prevent the onset of the herxheimer effect (healing crisis).
LD-50 In pharmacology, the LD-50 demarcation is used as a measure of toxicity. This product is not mutagenic or genotoxic. Studies for toxicity among Sprague-Dawley rats indicate a mean LD-50 ranging from 1,500 mg to 1,750 mg/kg of body weight.
Potential Health Effects:
- INDIGESTION: (CAPSULES / EXTRACT) Negligible unless ingested in high doses without dose graduation. May cause minor nausea as a result of rapid die off of pathogens. Reduce dosage ½ to 1/3 until increased to stipulated schedule.
- EYE CONTACT: (CAPSULES / EXTRACT) Not harmful, but may cause irritation. Irrigate eye with water for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
- SKIN CONTACT: (CAPSULES / EXTRACT) Prolonged or repeated contact may appear to cause skin irritation. This is the normal course of the healing cycle. No known harm to skin.
- INGESTION: (CAPSULES / EXTRACT) No hazards anticipated from ingestion incidental to exposure.
4. First Aid Measures
- EYES: Irrigate eyes with a mild stream of water for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
- SKIN: No first aid necessary.
- INGESTION: No first aid necessary.
5. Handling and Storage
Keep stored in closed containers between 40°F and 90°F. Refrigerate extract after opening Do not store or use extract near heat, spark or flame. Store out of sun.
6. Exposure Control / Personal Protection
Not necessary.
7. Physical and Chemical Properties
Standardized phytonutrient extract derived from Dionaes Muscipula. Broad-spectrum antipathogenic agent; antiviral, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, Immunomodulating components’ hydrolysis product (molecularly split by water) decompose between 145 degrees C and 147 degrees C. Appearance and Odor: light yellow-brown liquid, very mild odor.
8. Stability and Reactivity
GENERAL: This product is stable. Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Refrigeration of extract will increase length of stability. Capsules do not need refrigeration.
- Extract and/or Capsules may not be tolerated well with abnormally high levels of mercury and lead. These conditions must be chelated / removed to degree of tolerability. Carnivora is contraindicated for mid to late term pregnancy. Professional monitoring is recommended for high-dose administration if taking toxic blood thinner medication(s)
- Facilitates immuno-modulatory action / homeostasis of T-helper and T-suppressor cells of the immune system
- Molecular Recognition. International Symposium Sopron, Hungary, 1988
- Structure elucidation of plumbagin-analogues from Dionaea muscipula and their immunomodulating activities in vitro and in vivo.
*B. Kreher-1, A. Neszmelyi-2, K. Polos-3, H. Wagner-1.
- Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Munich, Karlstrasse 29, D-8000 Munchen 2 FRG
- Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 59 Pusztaszeri ut, H-1025 Budapest, Hungary
- Pharmat. Res. Inst., H-1368 Budapest, Hungary
Responds to abnormal cells only
Broad Spectrum Antimicrobial
The 17 Naturally Occurring Ingredients of Carnivora as described in international medical literature (click on link for more info)
Potent free radical scavenger
Immune Modulation / Stimulation
“Krishnaswamy, M Purushothaman KK. Plumbagin: a study of its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. India J. Exp. Biol. 1980; 18 (8), 876-877, 1980” 1&_user=10&_coverDate=07%2F31%2F2009&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ searchStrId=1455955641&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=1565592abd8cb8_ dae45b26e1ca074ebb&searchtype=a””
Anti-oxidant, free radical scavenger, bioflavonoid, protectant, anti-inflammatory
Formic Acid
Natural bactericidal / fungicidal
Bioflavonoid. Identical properties as Quercetin
Gallic Acid
Antioxidant, Immune stimulative
Supports NK (natural killer cell) function. Improves immune responses to foreign entities, crucial for tissue repair) patient-arginine.html
Explusion of harmful ammonia, increased resistance to fatigue and increase of endurance
Aids in function of intestinal / digestive tracts. Assists in metabolism and assimilation of nutrients; Prevention of fat build-up in the liver
Helps maintain white blood cell population and T-cell production, supports intestinal health. Nature’s brain food to improve mental capacities, decrease fatigue, controls craving for sugar
Strengthens immune system by producing antibodies, important source of energy for muscle tissue, brain and central nervous system
Facilitates the production of glutathione, which enable white blood cells (lymphocytes such as T cells, B cells and NK cells) to reproduce to make antibodies to destroy foreign substances in the body
Component of production of immune antibodies. Antibodies bind with antigens which are toxins, etc. destroying them and removing them from the body
Found abundantly in hemoglobin. This amino acid is used as a potent free-radical scavenger to normalize systemic functions in the body
Known for their ability to enhance immunity, proteases are considered an important line of defense. Intestinal toxicity are among the most common symptoms of protease deficiency
Contribute to stimulation of the immune system. Contains properties that are highly potent against harmful cellular entities
Phytohormones / Phytosterols
Plant-derived building blocks that your body can use to rapidly create any hormone that your body needs. These substances, also called phytosterols, are vital to a healthy balanced endocrine or hormonal system
The following publications describe the many beneficial effects of the species ‘dionaea muscipula’/ Carnivora and why it is so important in maintaining a healthy immune system:
Bernhard Kreher, Andrs Neszmelyi and Hildebert Wagner Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Munich, Karlstrasse 29, D-8000 Munich 2, F.R.G. a Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 59 Pusztaszeri ut, H-1025 Budapest, Hungary. Received 30 June 1989. Available online 15 March 2001.
Krishnaswamy, M Purushothaman KK. Plumbagin: a study of its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. India J. Exp. Biol. 1980; 18 (8), 876-877, 1980
Kreher, B. A. Neszmelyi, K. Polos, H. Wagner. Structure educidation of plumbagin analogs from Dionaea muscipula and their in vitro immunological activity on human granulocytes and lymphocytes. Planta Med. 55 (1), 112, 1989
Kreher, B. A. Neszmelyi, K. Polos, H. Wagner. Structure elucidation of plumbagin-analogues from Dionaea muscipula and their immunomodulating activities in vitro and in vivo. Molecular Recognition. Int. Symposium Sopron, Hungary, August, 24-27, 1988.
Rastogi RP, Dhawan BN. Anti- and antiviral activities in Indian medicinal plants. Drug Dev. Res. 19 (1), 1-12 1990
Gujar, G.T. Plumbagin, a naturally occurring naphthoquinone. Its pharmacological and pesticidal activity. Fitoterapia 61 (5), 387-394, 1990
Itolgawa, M., K. Takeya, H. Furukawa. Cardiotonic action of plumbagin on guinea-pig papillary muscle. Planta Med. 57 (4), 317-319, 1991
Santhakumari, G., K. Rathinam, C. Seshadri. Anticoagulant activity of plumbagin. India J. Exp. Biol. 16 (4), 485-487 1978
Wagner, H., B. Kreher, K. Jurcic. In vitro stimulation of human granulocytes and lymphocytes by pico and femtogram quantities of cytostatic agents. Arzenim.-Forsch. 38 (2), 273-275, 1988.
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