Amla has an incredible Vitamin C profile and it might surprise you; when compared to an orange it has 8 times the vitamin.
Moringa has 7 times the Vitamin C of an organ gel
Moringa is known as “the world’s most useful tree” in Asia.
Moringa olifera has one of the highest levels of Vitamin C with 200mg per 17.3 mg of dried leaves.
These two organic, whole-food sources of Vitamin C have not been altered from their natural form by toxins.
Vitamin C is the key to unlocking minerals. It has so many functions in our bodies that are so depleted of vitamins, minerals and nutrients by the pesticides, herbicides, funguses, moulds and other chemicals added to our food, air and water.
Even the wonderful God-given fruits and vegetables that we buy have depleted stores of this important Vitamin due to the non-natural and extremely toxic sprays and additives used to grow larger and more abundant crops.
Most of us need to supplement various Vitamins from time to time in order to stay healthy and functioning as well as we possibly can. However, not all supplements are created equal.
Any form of supplemented Vitamin C must be whole-food Vitamin C. Synthetic Vitamin C is NOT the same thing and really must be avoided. Synthetic Vitamin C, or Ascorbic Acid, is only ONE of the nine parts that make up whole Vitamin C. All ascorbic acid and ascorbates are not Vitamin C – they are just chemicals found in the Vitamin C molecule.
Some minerals require Vitamin C for them to be activated, absorbed and/or assimilated. Did you know that sufficient Vitamin C, whole-food, Vitamin C, is essential for bone health?
Sugar, in the form of glucose, hinders the absorbance of Vitamin C and may limit the Vitamin C uptake to 25% for up to 6 hours. Be mindful of when you take your supplement and relevant food sources. (Glucose also limits the uptake of other minerals too).
IV Vitamin C has been used as a treatment for cancer. Cancer patients are often deficient in this vitamin.
Vitamin C has been used as a treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock.
Vitamin C plays an important role in immune function. Vitamin C has been reviewed for the treatment of COVID-19 and is part of Dr Zelenko’s protocol…
Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D
Vitamin C is required for the biosynthesis of collagen, L-carnitine, and certain other neurotransmitters. This essential vitamin boosts the production of collagen, which helps combat the signs of ageing, creating firmer, tighter and more radiant skin.
Vitamin C is also involved in protein metabolism.
Collagen is an essential component of connective tissue that plays a vital role in wound healing. Vitamin C is also an important physiological antioxidant.